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Strong Signs Of A Google Update Yesterday: 12/13/12

The ongoing WebmasterWorld thread has a lot of ongoing chatter about updates since December 10th but yesterday that chatter picked up a bit......

Google Threatening Webmasters To Pay?

We've seen plenty of cases of SEOs threatening Googlers but not Googlers threatening SEOs. A Google Web Search Help thread has a webmasters who seems clearly confused saying Google called to threaten him to pay them in order to stay included in Google......

Google Algorithm Interview With Dr. Pete Yours Truly

Yesterday, Dr. Pete from SEOmoz and I were interviewed by Max Minzer on a Google+ Hangout. The interview was very enjoyable that I felt I wanted to share the archived version with you all......

Overdoing It With Google Webmaster Tools Verification

Typically, when you verify your web site with Google Webmaster Tools, you do so for the www and non-www version. Then you may have a few others who also verify your web site the same way. So typically......

Google News With Tablet Design Layout

Google announced that when you access Google News on a tablet device, such as an iPad or Nexus 7 or Nexus 10 - you will get a customized news experience designed for a tablet. The changes include: You can find new articles, news sources......

Daily Search Forum Recap: December 13, 2012

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today......